Do I Have High Functioning Anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the top mental health concerns across the world. There is an estimate that over 40 million Americans suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Typically, signs of anxiety begin manifesting in childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood.

When someone suffers from an anxiety disorder, it can be very debilitating in their life. It can affect how often they go out and who they go with. It may affect their work or school performance or prevent them from being productive. Every small thing can feel overwhelming.

Typically, a set of criteria needs to be present for an anxiety diagnosis. However, another type of anxiety disorder often goes unnoticed. It is known as High-Functioning Anxiety.

What Is High-Functioning Anxiety?

People who have high-functioning anxiety often have many similarities with those with GAD. They have all the symptoms of someone with traditional anxiety disorders but with a few key differences.

  • Typically, a high-functioning person can hide their anxiety better.

  • They also can manage their symptoms in a way that does not prevent them from living everyday life.

Because of that, high-functioning anxiety is not considered a mental health disorder. It doesn’t meet most of the criteria set by physicians. However, it is something that many people still deal with.

The story of a high-functioning person may seem different than someone with GAD—on the surface, anyways. But, on the inside, a person dealing with high-functioning still has the same fears and worries.

They still have anxiety, but it is something they can manage, so it doesn’t completely control their lives. But, even though someone can manage their symptoms, it doesn’t mean that their struggle is any easier.

How Do I Know If I Have High-Functioning Anxiety?

There is so much overlap between most of the anxiety disorders out there. Since it is not considered a mental health disorder, there has not been a lot of research on the subject. However, there are still signs and symptoms you can look out for if you are not sure if you have it.

Extreme Punctuality

Do you find that you absolutely have to be early for everything? Or that you need to leave precisely on time as planned? While being on time is never a bad thing, it can be taken too far. This could manifest itself in your life by being to work at least 20 minutes early every day. It could also look like never showing yourself grace to run a little bit behind.

Highly Productive

Again, being productive is not a bad thing. However, does it seem like you always have the urge to produce? Do you find it hard just to relax if you aren’t getting something done? This is a classic symptom of a person dealing with high functioning anxiety.

Fear Of Failure

Fear of failure is a sign of perfectionism and goes hand in hand with high functioning anxiety. Does your fear of failing drive your need to be as productive as possible? Do you beat yourself up for every little mistake you think you have made?

What Can I Do?

Just because you can function in your everyday life does not mean you should take anxiety lightly. While you may be able to function normally now, that does not mean this will always be the case. And even if you can mask your symptoms to the outside world, they still affect you.

If you feel like you may have high-functioning anxiety, speaking with a licensed psychotherapist can help you fully manage this condition to learn to relax and give yourself the grace you need. If you are ready to begin, reach out to me for a first consultation.


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